Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 16: Chapter 6 and Chapter 14 applied

As we read in the Survival of the Sickest there is a presence of jumping genes in our DNA. These jumping genes can be "cut and pasted" DNA that forms mutations. This could be a mutation that occurred and was inherited.  This flower probably went through a genetic shift because a mutation was inserted and interrupted a gene that was coded for the color purple, that is why there is some white there.

As we read in Chapter 4 in Your Inner Fish, there is a presence of certain DNA and tissues that are important in development, that can easily be interfered with. This is a hand that yielded similar results to an experiment Mary Gasseling did. Mary Gasseling conducted an experiment where she took a little patch of tissue from the pinky side of what will be a hand and transplanted it on the other side under where the index finger will form. The result was that the hand an another set of digits that were a direct mirror image. This patch of tissue that is critical in development was named the Zone of Polarizing Activity (ZPA). Looking further into this concept of ZPA scientists searched for the gene that controls the ZPA. They saw one fruit fly gene that was similar to the development of fingers in order. This gene was named hedgehog and it made one part of the body look different. They happened to find this gene in other species like a chicken. They named the chicken version of the gene sonic hedgehog. They then attached a dye color to the gene and found that it was active in the limb in the ZPA area. Every animal's limb contains sonic hedgehog and if it didn't develop properly you would have extra fingers like the picture or your pinky and thumb would be the same.

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