Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 13: The Brine Shrimp and Evolution

We started our brine shrimp lab today and talked about evolution and natural selection.

Adaptation: Is a helpful trait that a species has developed over generations.

If a species has an adaptation it is more likely to survive because it has strong traits and the weaker ones will die off. Thus this creates natural selection, the strong species that remain can only breed with each other and therefore survive keeping a "helpful" mutation.

Brine shrimps have adaptations that are different from the other species of shrimp and branchiopods.

We had "dormant" freezer brine shrimp eggs and put them in different solutions of NaCl and de-chlorinated water (0%,.5%,1.0%,1.5%,2.0%). Putting them in the water activates them to hatch under certain conditions. We put a lot of eggs in all the solutions but I predict that they won't all hatch. I also don't think that any of them will hatch in the 0% because there is not enough nutrients in that water for the shrimp.

We have to check on them in 24 hours to see which ones have hatched.

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