He was mostly likely shot in the back with the gun pointing down and they shot him in the left at an angle. The passage for the left third rib region to the 8th rib on the right would have fatally injured organs.
It would have most likely hit the heart, stopping it. This bleeding from the heart would have killed him instantly. The bullet when it hit and fractured the 8th rib, could have caused shards of the bullet to come off.
The other three plausible alternatives to why he died could be that he suffered a bullet wound to the stomach, which is also in the umbilical region but then the stomach acid would have been released and present in the body. The second plausible alternative is that it might have hit the small intestine which is also in the umbilical region, but it entered too high up and would have had to exit lower in the front. The third plausible explanation could be that it hit the liver causing failure however the liver is far over in the right hypochondriac region.