Monday, March 10, 2014

Corrections for Unit 7 Test

I got an 8/9 on my essay section because I didn't get the max amount of points in the location rubric area. I should have mentioned how the ETS components are embedded in the inner membrane. Like how the ATP synthases are embedded in the membrane.

The second multiple choice answer is A.  When oxidation-reduction occurs a molecule losses an electron this is the oxidation part. It is classified as oxidizing because it is losing negative electrons that gets accepted by the positive oxidizing element. A molecule is reduced if it gains electrons. So A is false because reduction is not when the element loses electrons.

I got number 7 wrong as well. This is because I got the order mixed up. Electrons first move in the citric cycle and once they are done in that cycle they get transported by electron carriers such as NADH. NADH takes electrons through the electron transport chain and then finally the electrons are accepted by the oxygen.

Number 8 was also wrong. The most ATP is released from the final stage where ATP synthase uses the hydrogen protons. These protons release the most amount of energy which can convert ADP to ATP in phosphorylation.

Number 9 was wrong. I really just changed by answer on this one because I second guessed myself. I knew this from the essay. The ATP synthase enzyme is actually in the inner membrane it is in the inner membrane so it can diffuse protons into the matrix.

For number 11 the answer should have been E. The friend who lost weight on the low carb diet still probably had fat in her body that needed to go thru digestion. It was expelled from the body because it was broken down because the body needed energy for processes and couldn't use carbs.

The answer to 12 is A. Oxygen accepts electrons. It accepts electrons to be used to make water in the last stage of the electron transport chain.

The answer for 15 should have been that the large intestine is the only thing that does not secrete fluid. The large intestine is really responsible for the absorption of nutrients. It absorbs water and vitamins while also reducing acidity and producing antibodies. So secreting fluid is not part of its function because it is the last step of the digestive system and no new enzymes are needed it just transports the already digested material.

The answer for 20 is that the small intestine can absorb fructoses without it being further digested. This is because fructose is a simple monosaccharide so it doesn't need to be broken down by any more enzymes it can just go into the blood stream for use.

For Question 28 if I changed the building blocks which are amino acids I would change the shape of the protein. The building blocks could be rearranged and this would affect the active site for an enzymatic reaction.

When you add glucose and fructose which are both monosaccharides you get sucrose which is a disaccharide. Galactose is not the answer because Galactose is a monosaccharide so it can't be a combination of the two monosaccharides glucose and fructose.

For the next test I shouldn't second guess myself and I should look more closely at the questions.

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