Saturday, September 14, 2013

Day 6: House Case Analysis

Today in class we did our first house case, we were supposed to analyze the symptoms of an 18 year old boy and come up with the diagnosis.

His symptoms were:
Severe Headache
Extremely tired

And we had to come to class with the three ideas of what his problem could be. I thought he had dehydration primarily and then a concussion and then a migraine.

We got to ask questions about his details about his condition. Concussion could be ruled out because he suffered from no head injuries and migraine could be ruled out because he had no history of migraines in his family and there was no real loss of vision or sensitivity to light.

Then dehydration was ruled out by his actions. Because he drank 3 gallons of water before he ran. # gallons is too much and therefore he could be suffering from Hyponatremia. Also His serum osmolality test was a decreased number. Usually there is a osmolal gap when compounds are in high concentration. This evidence that he in took too much H2O. 

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